
No One Wants Forever,感觉很美。迅速让你安静


No One Wants Forever,感觉很美。迅速让你安静

       瑞典清新名厂女主唱Malin Dahlberg与创作好手Tobias Isaksson共组全新二人乐团,充分发挥吉他的多种丰富表情,营造晶莹剔透的生活观点,在澹澹Swedish-Pop色调中轻抹闲适的乡谣气息;而细腻的词句与乾净的歌声,则在表面天真中包裹着体己的悲悯。 你有时也会有这样的心情,即使是在星期天慵懒的下午,理应那麽幸福的时刻仍不免有一丝感伤,这就是聆听Laurel Music的感受,微笑中还有另一层故事。Laurel Music的音乐歌词有小孩子般的捉狭俏皮,也有着树木率直的青葱冥想,风格就像她的名字-月桂树,音乐极简如一抹翠绿的跃动弧线,吉他节奏如忽远忽近的脚步声,简单流畅的配奏,歌词则是若有所思的生活剪影,拼贴出所有人都有的吉光片羽,除了表现出瑞典清新吉他乐派的魅力外,她细腻的词句与乾净的歌声,表面天真中包裹着体己的悲悯,有独特女性歌手的音乐愈疗作用。

No One Wants Forever

if you want to be
a longly with me
you must understand my weakness
it's the way that you left me
and you left me of my love without warning with out warning almost your
no one wants forever anymore
it's no one there‘s to trying
no one wants some ever like before
if you want to see
the world that's in me
you should no one always needed
it's the way that i met you
there's no way that i could possiblely forget you
thank you got me and forgot me
no one wants forever anymore
no one wants to trying
no one wants some ever like before
no one wants forever anymore
and no one wants some need that like no one might be
no one wants some ever like before


  • 周郎 金币 +15 发帖辛苦啦! 2009-4-8 00:21


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