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标题: Tera Melos - Drugs to the Dear Youth (2007) [打印本页]

作者: GRINDS    时间: 2008-6-14 15:40     标题: Tera Melos - Drugs to the Dear Youth (2007)

Name:Drugs To The Dear Youth
Artist: Tera Melos
Genre:Post - Rock / Math Rock / Experimental
Label:Sargent House


1. Ambassadors of All That Is Good
2. 40 Rods to the Hog's Head
3. Guy vs. D.C. Sniper
4. A Spoonful of Slurry
5. The Werewolf and Ben
6. (Is Good For What Ails You)

Tera Melos是一支美国后摇/试验乐队,目前三人编制。本张为07年乐队自行出版的EP,限量发行500套。Tera Melos很大的程度上受各类音乐类型(爵士,后摇,以及环境音乐)的影响,队中的两名成员便是在高中的即兴爵士课上认识的。
这张风格太难定,说它是后摇又很试验很高能,说它是数学可它又有POST的灵魂。听完一首下面不知道又会蹦出什么奇怪疯狂的念头来。感觉就是瞎玩。一句话,强烈推荐这类好玩又操蛋的Post - Post - Post - Post - Post - Rock~~

40 Rods to the Hog's Head (8:12')
[wmv][/wmv] ... -88d8-00142218fc6e/
作者: imkenken    时间: 2008-6-14 16:19

Wow ` they are cool , have you ever heard "airbourne" ? they rocks too!

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