1998年,18岁的克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)凭借一曲《I Wanna Run to You》的试唱带赢得迪斯尼动画大片《花木兰》的主题曲《Reflection》的主唱权,这首单曲成功进入美国成人抒情榜的前15名,从此克里斯蒂娜迅速窜红。
克里斯蒂娜很具有演唱天赋,不论从哪个角度看,都更具有成为一名明星的条件。舞姿妖娆妩媚,歌声也具有玛丽亚·凯莉的影子。凭借首张专辑《瓶中精灵》(Genie in a Bottle,在线音频)就夺得了2000年格莱美最佳新人奖,之后稳步发展,成为当时小天后布兰妮的强劲对手。
这是她之前NBA季后赛的主题曲,fighter.摇滚为十足,每次聆听都感觉十分震撼~是一首相当有士气的鼓舞人心的立志歌曲,来得大气磅礴~christina 的唱功发挥得可谓淋漓尽致了
when i, thought i knew you thinking, that you were true i guess i, i couldn't trust called your bluff, time is up 'cause i've had enough you were, there by my side always, down for the ride but your, joy ride just came down in flames 'cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm after all of the stealing and cheating you probably think that i hold resentment for you but, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong 'cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do i wouldn't know just how capable i am to pull through so i wanna say thank you 'cause it makes me that much stronger makes me work a little bit harder it makes me that much wiser so thanks for making me a fighter made me learn a little bit faster made my skin a little bit thicker makes me that much smarter so thanks for making me a fighter oh, ohh
Timo Tolkki是芬兰前卫金属团 Stratovarius 的主音吉他手 这首歌是within temptation 主唱sharon与timo tolkki合作的结晶,作品很棒,旋律优美,金属氛围浓,无论是女声还是那段吉他solo,都很深情,有种断肠之情。歌曲选自timo tolkki第二张个人专辑《hymn to life》中。 Timo Tolkki声音清澈而温婉,高低音间的转化有有更为出色的演绎,她的演唱才华直接引领你体验伤感!她好像是在向你诉说遗憾痛苦和爱,向你吟唱无法逃避也不愿忘怀的悲哀宿命,她的声音描述的是爱与绝望之间的挣扎、嘶叫的阵痛和清醒!