@echo off
echo "=============(^_^)================"
copy 1.txt DOS命令大全.txt
copy 1.txt attrib.txt
help attrib>>attrib.txt
coyp 1.txt break.txt
help break>>break.txt
coyp 1.txt call.txt
help call>>call.txt
coyp 1.txt cd.txt
help cd>>cd.txt
coyp 1.txt chcp.txt
help chcp>>chcp.txt
coyp 1.txt chdir.txt
help chdir>>chdir.txt
coyp 1.txt chkdsk.txt
help chkdsk>>chkdsk.txt
coyp 1.txt cls.txt
help cls>>cls.txt
coyp 1.txt cmd.txt
help cmd>>cmd.txt
coyp 1.txt color.txt
help color>>color.txt
coyp 1.txt comp.txt
help comp>>comp.txt
coyp 1.txt copy.txt
help copy>>copy.txt
coyp 1.txt date.txt
help date>>date.txt
coyp 1.txt del.txt
help del>>del.txt
coyp 1.txt dir.txt
help dir>>dir.txt
coyp 1.txt diskcopy.txt
help diskcopy>>diskcopy.txt
coyp 1.txt doskey.txt
help doskey>>doskey.txt
coyp 1.txt echo.txt
help echo>>echo.txt
coyp 1.txt endlocal.txt
help endlocal>>endlocal.txt
coyp 1.txt fc.txt
help fc>>fc.txt
coyp 1.txt findstr.txt
help findstr>>findstr.txt
coyp 1.txt for.txt
help for>>for.txt
coyp 1.txt format.txt
help format>>format.txt
coyp 1.txt ftype.txt
help ftype>>ftype.txt
coyp 1.txt goto.txt
help goto>>goto.txt
coyp 1.txt if.txt
help if>>if.txt
coyp 1.txt md.txt
help md>>md.txt
coyp 1.txt mkdir.txt
help mkdir>>mkdir.txt
coyp 1.txt mode.txt
help mode>>mode.txt
coyp 1.txt more.txt
help more>>more.txt
coyp 1.txt move.txt
help move>>move.txt
coyp 1.txt path.txt
help path>>path.txt
coyp 1.txt print.txt
help print>>print.txt
coyp 1.txt prompt.txt
help prompt>>prompt.txt
coyp 1.txt rd.txt
help rd>>rd.txt
coyp 1.txt ren.txt
help ren>>ren.txt
coyp 1.txt rename.txt
help rename>>rename.txt
coyp 1.txt replace.txt
help replace>>replace.txt
coyp 1.txt rmdir.txt
help rmdir>>rmdir.txt
coyp 1.txt set.txt
help set>>set.txt
coyp 1.txt setlocal.txt
help setlocal>>setlocal.txt
coyp 1.txt shift.txt
help shift>>shift.txt
coyp 1.txt sort.txt
help sort>>sort.txt
coyp 1.txt start.txt
help start>>start.txt
coyp 1.txt subst.txt
help subst>>subst.txt
coyp 1.txt time.txt
help time>>time.txt
coyp 1.txt title.txt
help title>>title.txt
coyp 1.txt tree.txt
help tree>>tree.txt
coyp 1.txt type.txt
help type>>type.txt
coyp 1.txt xcopy.txt
help xcopy>>xcopy.txt
echo the program is be end!
echo on