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标题: [交流] Namexif - 批量重命名数码照片 绿色版 [打印本页]

作者: gamma6256    时间: 2008-1-29 12:10     标题: Namexif - 批量重命名数码照片 绿色版

Namexif 是一个根据拍摄日期来自动批量重命名数码相机图片的免费小工具。它可以很方便地将你的数码照片重命名为“年月日+时间”的格式。正如软件名称 Namexif 一样,如果图片或照片不包含EXIF信息,Namexif将会忽略它们,不会进行重命名。具有相同EXIF信息的图片将会通过在文件名末尾添加破折号(-)来进行区别。

Namexif™ is a tool to automatically rename photos with the date they were shot.
Digital cameras have their own clock and record the date to each photos with a precision of a second. Since the date and time is recorded for each photos (provided it is an EXIF compliant digital camera), Namexif™ is able to rename these photos according to the date.
Doing so will:
make chronological order same as alphabetical one,
set a unique name to your photos
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